At the heart of the Dark Lands lies a region filled with innumerable blackened factories, of hellish forges and massive armouries, a dark, heartless and nightmarish industrial empire the likes of which surpasses all others in the Known World. Long separated from their fading kin of the west, the Chaos Dwarfs have given themselves over to their dark master, the minor Chaos God Hashut, god of fire, greed and tyranny, and the energies of Chaos have worked subtle mutations upon their bodies. The Chaos Dwarfs, known in their own tongue as Uzkul-Dhrazh-Zharr or the Dawi-Zharr (literally " Fire-Dwarfs" in Khazalid), and among themselves sometimes as the " Sons of Hashut," are an industrious, dark-souled and merciless warrior race of Dwarf Daemonsmiths, slavers and brutal killers that dominate the dark and cheerless landscape of the Dark Lands to the east of the Old World. The Bull of Hashut is a holy icon and unifying symbol of all the "Sons of Hashut," as the Chaos Dwarfs sometimes refer to themselves. Magic, I tell you! They are our greatest shame and they will be dealt with, in time." They committed blasphemy by turning away from the Ancestor Gods and practicing magic. Theirs is an endless greed that neither time nor wealth can ever abate.

" They wish to make the world a place of smoky darkness where hope and cheer are crimes punishable by immediate slavery and slow torture.